Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I believe by creating a double layer cannon that’s narrowed at the opening should create more pressure thus launching the foam ball at a greater velocity.

Cannon Construction

The Cannon my group has created was constructed from two tennis ball cans and a single tennis ball can lid. We cut off the bottom of each can and cut a straight line half way down the can, we then inserted on can in another and folded them over. After this we put the lid on the can and taped it shut. Thus having a constructed cannon.

Experiment and Reflection

While conducting the experiment we used 99% ethanol to propel the ball, as we lit the ethanol it only smoked and there was no launch, I believe this was due to the low temperature which is directly proportional to the reaction. Thus not being able to launch the ball, if there was a higher temperature I believe the ball would have shot.

Research and Angle

In Researching the best angle for the cannon to launch I found that angles under 40 degrees were used for longer ranged shots thus I chose a 35 degree angle, which allowed for a longer better shot.

Velocity Equation

G= 32.3 (fps)
V= Initial Velocity
Theta= Launch angle in degrees
R= Launch Distance

Mine was as follows

G= 32.3 (fps)
V= 0
Theta= 35
R= 0

Critical Opinion

This Poem shows how the men in the poem charge of the light brigade were brave and fought their best but cannons helped to save many of their lives.

Courage and Honor

I myself believe that all soldiers in war are very courageous and honorable for what they do, but in many cases their fellow soldiers die and the seek vengeance and often have followers for the wrong cause, I believe no matter how bad a war becomes you must move on.